What is 24-hour Blood Pressure Monitoring?

This test records your blood pressure over a 24-hour period.  It takes reading at regular intervals for the entire 24 hours.  During waking hours, it will activate every 20 -30 minutes, during sleeping hours, it will activate every hour. It registers and records these readings to the monitor; your doctor will be able to download and analyse the results. This will give them a better understanding of your blood pressure whilst you have been going about your everyday activities.

How does it work?

You will wear a cuff, much like the cuff you have on your arm when you have your blood pressure checked by your doctor.  This is attached to a portable monitoring device; this is normally worn on a belt or in a pouch. You will need to make an appointment for the monitor to be fitted.

What do I have to do first?

Make an appointment first. You will need to come to our clinic to have the cuff and monitor fitted at this appointment.

What do I need to do before my appointment?

There are a few things that you need to know before you come for your fitting appointment.

You cannot get the monitor wet.  This means that you will not be able to shower or bathe whilst you have the monitor on.  Before you have the monitor and cuff fitted make sure you have worked out how you will wash or bathe whilst wearing it.  Make it a simple and convenient routine, you will only be wearing the monitor for 24 hours.  

You must wear loose fitting clothing. Before you have the monitor and cuff fitted you will need to make sure your clothing is easy for you to change. Loose sleeved items of clothing are best, make sure you also think about your sleeping attire. Whilst the cuff is not very intrusive it will need space to inflate, and you cannot remove it to take your clothes on and off.

What do I do once it is set up?

Once you have had your cuff and monitor set up you may be directed to go about your daily routine as normal. This could include sporting activities, work etc.  Please make sure you have followed ALL instructions from your doctor before undertaking any activities, also ensure that you have followed instructions for any medications you may be taking.  

What do I do when the cuff inflates? When the cuff inflates just try to breathe normally and keep reasonably still, only do this if it is safe to do so.

You should not remove the monitor once it has been set up. The cuff and monitor should not be removed once it has been fitted.  You need to let the doctor know beforehand if you think there are any reasons why you would not be able to keep the cuff and monitor on for the full 24 hours.  If you have any doubts, please talk to us before you have it fitted, remember, we are always here to help you. 

The monitor cannot be dropped.  You need to make sure you are careful with the monitor and do not damage it.  Whilst it is reasonably hardy it may not function if dropped. If it is dropped this may affect your results. If you damage the monitor or drop it, contact us to let us know.  We may need to reset or replace it.